Alexander Zeugin


    (← … https://www.om-arham.org/blog/view/13765/certificate-of-incorporation-of-the-kevalajnanavinayatapasya-sa%E1%B9%85gha)


    Admission regulations [2 of 6]


    13. The active members have to carry out the following seven points at least once a year until Mahāvīr Jayanti in order to keep the active member status. If you do not confirm that you have done this, the status automatically changes to passive member. Confirmation can only be made after self-inspection. Each member is only responsible for himself and his status changes to passive member or active member or resigned, or rejoined according to spiritual advancement or regression. The status distinguishes an honest picture of the respective status through self-inspection:


    1) Acquiring knowledge of the goal of the spiritual path through learning and realizing the meaning and definition of siddha status in the Āgamas, since “In the absence of belief in the existence of siddha, the journey on the spiritual path does not even begin. Therefore, the recognition of Siddha status is the first primary parameter."[1]

    2) control their status according to the 14-stage classification of spiritual purity of soul and mind (guṇasthāna) with the object in this life to reach at least the 7th or 8th stage;[2]

    3) check progress on tapas 108-112 listed in the list of 293 tapas;[3]

    4) pursue their self-study;

    5) controlling one's state of perfection in righteousness according to the 73 listed points in the Uttarādhyayana Sūtra, beginning with saṁvēga (longing for liberation).[4]

    6) Knowledge of the 5 attributes declared 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself' as mentioned in Paul's letter to Romans 13.9 and their details given in the JAIN DHARM EK VEGYANIK DRSTIKON | Praśnavyākaraṇa Sūtra, the 10th Aṅga, describes in the first part the five āśvaras – Hiṁsā (violence), Mriśāvād (falsehood), Adattād... | Facebook, and the composition of the fragments that it is clear that these 5 vows cannot be subordinated and overruled by any worldly authority once one has attained this knowledge and is on the ladder of the 11 upaśakapratimā -s on the status of the seventh pratimā -s, brahmcharyapratimā (celibacy even when still married).

    7) Knowledge and application of saptabhaṅgi and Anekantavāda, the seven-sided teaching, see doctrine of the nāyas (3) JAIN DHARM EK VEGYANIK DRSTIKON | Saṁvara [part 1790] | Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/groups/692614454130155/posts/1583574481700810/?comment_id=1584251648299760, and (3) JAIN DHARM EK VEGYANIK DRSTIKON | Saṁvara [part 3471] | Facebookhttps://www.facebook.com/groups/692614454130155/permalink/3129191317139111, (3) JAIN DHARM EK VEGYANIK DRSTIKON | Saṁvara [part 3504] | Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/groups/692614454130155/permalink/3132375343487375, (3) JAIN DHARM EK VEGYANIK DRSTIKON | Saṁvara [part 3615] | Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/groups/692614454130155/permalink/3240554109336164, (3) JAIN DHARM EK VEGYANIK DRSTIKON | Saṁvara [part 1918] | Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/groups/692614454130155/permalink/1685515771506680, PRAVACANASĀRA (ESSENCE OF THE DOCTRINE), Introduction [18] (3) JAIN DHARM EK VEGYANIK DRSTIKON | Saṁvara [part 3635] | Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/groups/692614454130155/permalink/3245709315487310, (3) JAIN DHARM EK VEGYANIK DRSTIKON | Saṁvara [part 3658] | Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/groups/692614454130155/posts/3247559021969006/?comment_id=3247583271966581 PRAVACANASĀRA (ESSENCE OF THE DOCTRINE), Section-1: Reality of Knowledge (jñānatattva), Gātha 28 of 92 (3) JAIN DHARM EK VEGYANIK DRSTIKON | Saṁvara [part 3859] | Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/groups/692614454130155/permalink/3261123007279274/?comment_id=3261126783945563 PRAVACANASĀRA (ESSENCE OF THE DOCTRINE), Section-3: Reality of Conduct (cāritratattva), Gātha 51 of 75

     (3) JAIN DHARM EK VEGYANIK DRSTIKON | Saṁvara [part 3878] | Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/groups/692614454130155/permalink/3262274387164136/?comment_id=3262313553826886, PRAVACANASĀRA (ESSENCE OF THE DOCTRINE), The ‘gaṇadhara’ – worthy recipient of the divine discourse

     (3) JAIN DHARM EK VEGYANIK DRSTIKON | Saṁvara [part 3906] | Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/groups/692614454130155/permalink/3264929146898660,


    The remaining nuances (limbs) of saptabhaṅgī also fit appropriately in the naya scheme (3) JAIN DHARM EK VEGYANIK DRSTIKON | Saṁvara [part 4186] | Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/groups/692614454130155/permalink/3461082673949972/?comment_id=3461086973949542,

    ĀPTAMĪMĀṀSĀ – DEEP REFLECTION ON THE OMNISCIENT LORD, Gātha 4-71-72 (4) JAIN DHARM EK VEGYANIK DRSTIKON | Saṁvara [part 4237] | Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/groups/692614454130155/permalink/3475544652503774 ĀPTAMĪMĀṀSĀ – DEEP REFLECTION ON THE OMNISCIENT LORD, Gātha 10-104 (4) JAIN DHARM EK VEGYANIK DRSTIKON | Saṁvara [part 4269] | Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/groups/692614454130155/permalink/3477697415621831/?comment_id=3477705482287691, ĀPTAMĪMĀṀSĀ – DEEP REFLECTION ON THE OMNISCIENT LORD, Gātha 10-109 (4) JAIN DHARM EK VEGYANIK DRSTIKON | Saṁvara [part 4274] | Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/groups/692614454130155/permalink/3477983755593197, ĀPTAMĪMĀṀSĀ – DEEP REFLECTION ON THE OMNISCIENT LORD, Gātha 10-109, note 1a, b, u. e (4) JAIN DHARM EK VEGYANIK DRSTIKON | Saṁvara [part 4274] | Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/groups/692614454130155/permalink/3477983755593197/?comment_id=3478046268920279,


    [continuation…  → … https://www.om-arham.org/blog/view/13767/certificate-of-incorporation-of-the-kevalajnanavinayatapasya-sa%E1%B9%85gha]



    [2] For the 14 guṇasthānaka stages, see Appendix III, pages 229-237 and for the table of the three phases of karma, Appendix IV, pages 238-253 of 190728 Kaṣāya-pāhuḍa chapter on passions intensity levels German with Introduction, 16 Appendices & Index : OM-ARHAM .


    [4] See Uttarādhyayana Sūtra, Lecture 28, Righteousness, pt. 1 http://sonnenstube.org/xa/jain/mulasutras/uttaradhyayana/total_29.htm , and Tattvārthādhigāma, chap. 1 knowledge, sutra 2 tattvārthaśraddhānam samyagdarśanam, 1st of 7 points http://sonnenstube.org/xa/jain/tatthvarthadhigama_sutra/1_eingang.htm .