Alexander Zeugin


    (← … https://www.om-arham.org/blog/view/13723/certificate-of-incorporation-of-the-kevalajnanavinayatapasya-sa%E1%B9%85gha)

    Article 8 [1 of 1]


    Parameter for promotion of non-violence [1 of 1]

    Members of the universal Jain saṅgha are actively involved in the legal safeguarding of the religious status of the Kevalajñānavinayatāpasya-saṅgha, the maintenance of the associated upāśraya with bhāṇḍāra (Library of Jain Scriptures) and Dharamśala, the seat of the Kevalajñānavinayatāpasya-saṅgha of the Four divisioned Jain community,[1] to represent physically.[2] Each canton has an upāśraya with bhāṇḍāra (library of Jain scriptures) and Dharamśala as the basis for the presence of the ancient Indian teachings of non-violence in Europe.[3] Worship of knowledge on the part of the laity is defined according to the statement of Sudharmā Swāmī.[4] For every member of the Kevalajñānavinayatāpasya-saṅgha, that vihagagati pravrajya,[5] dīkṣā like Shuk,[6] or dīkṣā like Jambū without asking the parents or without seeking the consent of any other authority,[7] only by their own decision through intuition or through the scriptures of Sudharma,[8] can register as sādhu, sādhvī, muni or aryā. It is possible for the person who decides to become a monk or nun when standing before the decision to die in battle or accept monastic ordination, decides for initiation, it is possible here; the spiritual aspirant has to take notice that any transgression of one of the five major vows, entails guru prayāścitta (simultaneous resignation from the Kevalajñānavinayatāpasya-saṅgha). The devotees can, on condition of acceptance by the upādhyāya, be trained in the upāśraya to become teachers, learning Ācārprākalp and then may choose[9] one of the three courses for the goal.[10]


    [next … → … https://www.om-arham.org/blog/view/13725/certificate-of-incorporation-of-the-kevalajnanavinayatapasya-sa%E1%B9%85gha]


    [1]The 4-fold Jain community is composed of lay men, lay women, male and female ascetics, those who believe in the laws of non-violence, truth, honesty, celibacy and non-possession, not only but with 2 karaṇas from the lay people in a precisely defined weakened form and with 3 karaṇas very strictly observed by the sādhus, s.– The teaching of the Jains does not require belief in the divine laws of the Christian faith, but observance of these laws, with 2 or 3 karaṇas, s. MĀHAVRATAS and AṆUVRATAS in comparison to the Bible : OM-ARHAM - https://www.om-arham.org/file/view/12621/mahavratas-and-a%E1%B9%87uvratas-in-comparison-to-the-bible, and detailed with explanations in the 10th Aṅga - Praśna Vyākaraṇa Sūtra JAIN DHARM EK VEGYANIK DRSTIKON | Praśnavyākaraṇa Sūtra, the 10th Aṅga, describes in the first part the five āśvaras – Hiṁsā (violence), Mriśāvād (falsehood), Adattād... | Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/groups/692614454130155/posts/701293509928916. Whoever keeps these laws is Jain. One who does not keep these laws is non-Jain and the perfect observance of these precepts results in the divine attribute. Membership is by self-declaration and accountability along with commitment to the goal of the Kevalajñānatāpasya-saṅgha. Everyone is responsible for their own actions, it is never someone else in the community who has to bear the consequences for the actions of others.


    [2] Every active member of the universal Kevalajñānavinayatāpasya-saṅgha is protected in Switzerland to follow the traditional laws of non-violence of the āgamas and to practice the prescribed 5 minor or major vows (aṇuvratas or mahāvratas) as well as asceticism.

    The Kevalajñānavinavatāpasya-saṅgha is maintained only by voluntary donations, assets from inheritance are rejected. Taxes shall never be levied and no money shall be accepted from the State for charity or sponsorship. On the other hand, the other rights existing for ecclesiastical institutions are not waived, such as tax exemption, the right to practice one's faith, the right of assembly, the right to instruction and teacher training, etc., which are guaranteed by Art. 9 and Additional Protocol 4 Art. 2.1-2 of the European Convention on Human Rights are guaranteed and legally covered by Art. 15 of the Federal Constitution and Art. 8b and Art. 24 paragraph 2 of the Constitution of the Republic and Canton of Ticino (14.12.1997).

    [3] After the 1st upāśraya with bhāṇḍāra in Acquarossa, at least 1 per canton and then also in every other European country after the first, at least 1 per political district are to be set up, which all illuminate the three jewels again in full splendor, i.e., that all 5 right knowledges are available at all times. Each upāśraya,with upādhyāya shall keep a copy of the manuscript ‘How I Found My Spiritual Grandfather’, which, however, can only be read in the bhāṇḍāra and with the consent of the upādhyāya. Every upādhyāya belonging to the Kevalajñānavinayatāpasya-saṅgha maintains that none of the so-called 10 lost things was ever lost. Since at least one spiritual aspirant attains siddha per samaya and there has never been, is, and will be a greater gap in the attainment of siddha-ship than half a year, there is always a kevalī at this time, s. Jñāna vinaya (viṇao) tapa [part 408] - https://www.facebook.com/groups/692614454130155/permalink/713697145355219.


    [4] “A householder who renders assistance to persons of higher knowledge by giving upāśraya (refuge), bhaiṣajya (medicines), pustaka (books), Ānśūka (clothes), etc., worships Jñāna (knowledge).” See SERMON OF Gaṇadhara Maharaja Sri SUDHARMĀ SWĀMĪ (5th Apostle of the 24th of the 24 Elders) [3 of 7] KEVALĪ BHAGAVĀN JAMBŪ SWĀMĪ : OM-ARHAM - https://www.om-arham.org/blog/view/8618/kevali-bhagavan-jambu -swami .


    [5] I.e., initiation taken alone after leaving the country, Sthānāṅga Sūtra Volume 2, PRAVRAJYA-PAD (ASCETAL INITIATIVE SEGMENT), Sthana 573 pt. (4). Sthānāṅga Sūtra Volume 2 : OM-ARHAM - https://www.om-arham.org/file/view/8370/sthana%E1%B9%85ga-sutra-band-2 .


    [8]Bv . all of his writings – 12 Aṅgas and 14 Pūrvas , all of which are direct transmission from Mahāvīra via Sudharma through Jambū since pre-Christian times, and are still extant, cf. 4. Aṅga , Samavāyāṅga Sūtra , § 148 ( prescribed for Upādhyāya to know) SAMAVĀYĀṄGA SŪTRA with three Appendices in GERMAN language only : OM-ARHAM - https://www.om-arham.org/file/view/158/samavaya%E1%B9%85ga -sutra-with-three-appendices-in-german-language-only .


    [9] European Convention on Human Rights Art. 9 and Additional Protocol 4 Art. 2.1-2.


    [10] Namely, mati -, śruta -, avadhi -, manaḥpāryāya - and kevala-jñāna to be acquired through

    (1) the jinakalpa ,
    (2) the time-bound course (yathalandavidhi), or
    (3) the purifying course (parihāraviśuddhi ), see note 6 of (2) JAIN DHARM EK VEGYANIK DRSTIKON | Saṁvara [part 295] | Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/groups/692614454130155/posts/925343917523873/?comment_id=925621070829491 and Saṁvara [ part 702] including notes 11 and 16 https://www.facebook.com/groups/692614454130155 / permalink /1082343691823894 ; for more details on the time-bound course (yathalandavidhi) and the purifying course (parihāraviśuddhi), see 'Saṁvara [ part 676]' note 7 https://www.facebook.com/groups/692614454130155/posts/1045591512165779/? comment_id=1045595652165365 ; 'Saṁvara [ part 588]' note 4b https://www.facebook.com/groups/692614454130155/posts/1007286452662952/?comment_id=1007288849329379 ; 'Saṁvara [ part 293]' note 6 https://www.facebook.com/groups/692614454130155/posts/924023127655952/?comment_id=924023644322567 .