Yogadṛṣṭisamuccaya by Haribhadra Sūri

    Alexander Zeugin

    Chapter 5 – A Line of Demarcation between the first four and last four Yogadṛṣṭis [107 of 121]

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    Chapter 5.8 – Sarvajña (The Omniscience) [6 of 20]


    Keeping everything in mind our author gives following reasons for diversity in preaching among omniscient ones [2 of 6]

    2. Another reason is that the different omniscient sages adopt different stand–point owing to their belonging to different periods of time. Since the omniscient sages flourish in different periods of time, the differences in their preaching are found. For instance, if an omniscient belong to the good era, he would get worthy audience. Therefore, his preaching would be parallel to the understanding of that particular type of audience. Whereas an omniscient who belong to bad era (fifth era as per Jain tradition) would definitely get audience who is influenced by the time period it belongs to. Therefore, these two omniscient have to adopt different stand–point while preaching disciples. The same is the case with omniscient sages who belong to different geographical as well as regional backgrounds.


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