Yogadṛṣṭisamuccaya by Haribhadra Sūri
Chapter 5 – A Line of Demarcation between the first four and last four Yogadṛṣṭis [41 of 121]
Chapter 5.3 – Bhavābhinandī Jīva (A Rejoicer of worldly existence) [23 of 26]
Behavioural traits of an enjoyer of worldly existence [10 of 10]
While describing the vicious behavioral traits of a rejoicer of worldly existence [bhavābhinandī–jīva], our author always states that the reason for the subject’s such character is his ignorance which has arisen from intense delusion. Thus, we may say that it is the avedyasaṃvedyapada as well as intense delusion should be are condemned and not a soul of a rejoicer of worldly existence. In short Haribhadrasūri condemns the vice and not its beholder.
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