Group activity
- Alexander Zeugin uploaded the file INVESTIGATION of correlations of parables of the Old Testament to old Jain textsTHREE JAINA VERSIONS OF SOLOMON’S JUDGMENT MOTIF
- Alexander Zeugin uploaded the file INVESTIGATION of correlations of parables of the New Testament to old Jain textsINVESTIGATION of the connection of Matthew xxv.14-30, Luke xv.11-32; xix.11-27 with the Gospel of the Hebrews Fragment 24 with the Uttaradhyayana Sūtra 7.14-32 and the Pañcatantra A rich merchant set out on his travel for gain,...
- Alexander Zeugin uploaded the file UNTERSUCH der Verbindung von Parabeln des NT zu alten Jain TextenUNTERSUCH der Verbindung von Matthäus xxv.14-30, Lukas xv.11-32; xix.11-27 mit dem Hebräerevangelium Fragment 24, der Uttarādhyayana Sūtra 7.14-32 und dem Pañcatantra Ein Kaufmann machte sich auf den Weg in ein...
- Ernst Messmer joined the group Studies
- Alexander Zeugin uploaded the file YOGAŚĀSTRA von HēmaçāndrāchāryaDie ersten 4 Prakāśa (Kapitel) sind in der damals gültigen Orthographie des Deutsch-Übersetzers Ernst Windisch übernommen, so wie es in der ZdMG 1874 veröffentlicht wurde, s. Zeitschriften der Deutschen...
- Alexander Zeugin uploaded the file A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF JAINISMUS UND BUDDHISMUS by BRAHMACHARI SITAL PRASADJI - EOf all 24 Jain Arhats, some were married before initiation and some took dīkṣā without marrying like Ariṣṭhanemi. All of them attained mokṣa, and many devotees attained avadhi-, manaḥparyāya- and kevala-jñāna, which latter two are associated...
- Alexander Zeugin uploaded the file EINE VERGLEICHENDE STUDIE VON JAINISMUS UND BUDDHISMUS von BRAHMACHARI SITAL PRASADJI - DVon allen 24 Jain Arhats waren einige vor der Einweihung verheiratet und einige nahmen dīkṣā ohne zu heiraten wie Ariṣṭhanemi. Alle von ihnen erreichten mokṣa und viele Anhänger erlangten avadhi-, manaḥparyāya- und kevala-jñāna, welch...
- Alexander Zeugin uploaded the file Tattvārthādhigama bhāṣya im Vergleich mit dem Kommentar dazu von Śrīman Pūjyapāda’s SarvārthasiddhiEin sehr wichtiger Punkt ist die richtige Wahrnehmung der sutras 20-21 des 4. Kapitels, die folgendermassen sind: Tattvārthādhigama Sūtra, Kapitel 4, Sutras...
- Alexander Zeugin uploaded the file ĀṢṬA-PĀHŪḌA (Prakṛit) by KUṆDAKUNDĀCĀRYA (imcomplete)Last part is lacking. A complete MSS. is in Georg Bühler's private collection listed in his report on Sanskrit Manuscripts 1872-1873, indicated to contain 284 folios with 9 lines a page,...
- Alexander Zeugin uploaded the file HARIBHADRA’S Commentary to PAÑCASŪTRAKAM of CIRANTANĀCĀRYA edited by JambūvijayajīA translation into English of this work Pañcasūtraka is a desideratum. For showing people how turning to a śrāvaka or śrāvikā, or from a śrāvaka or śrāvikā to a sādhu or sādhvī.
- Alexander Zeugin commented on the file BHAGAVAN MAHĀVĪRA’S PREDIGT- DUTCHSiehe für diese Predigt auf Englisch in sieben Teilen (see for this sermon in English in seven parts:) Mahāvīras Predigt gehalten beim Purvabhadra (Puṇṇabhadda) Chaitya Heiligtum in Campā Mahāvīra's sermon hold in the Purvabhadra...Read more
- Alexander Zeugin commented on the file BHAGAVAN MAHĀVĪRA’S PREDIGT- DUTCHBHAGAVAN MAHĀVĪRA’S PREDIGT (vor einer grossen Versammlung über religiöses Verhalten) Diese grosse Kongregation setzte sich zusammen aus Rishis (Asketen ausgestattet mit Avadhi-jñāna), Munis (Asketen fehlerfrei das...Read more
- Alexander Zeugin uploaded the file 210222 DIE ERRICHTUNG DER KÖNIGLICHEN STADT HERĀT UND SEINE ABHÄNGIGKEITEN Indian Antiquary...Ursprung von Herat, Afghanistan - Geschichte
- Alexander Zeugin uploaded the file 210221 THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE ROYAL CITY HERĀT AND ITS DEPENDENCIES Indian Antiquary 1874.docxOrigin of Herat, Afghanistan - History
- Alexander Zeugin published a blog post ĀTMĀNUŚĀSANA – PRECEPT ON THE SOUL by Ācārya GUṆABHADRA (ca. 818–900 A.D.) [12](← … Gātha 10 Having belief in the true nature of substances is right...
- Alexander Zeugin published a blog post ĀTMĀNUŚĀSANA – PRECEPT ON THE SOUL by Ācārya GUṆABHADRA (ca. 818–900 A.D.) [16](← … Gātha 14 When right faith (samyagdarśana) arises in a potential...
Note 1:
The fourteen miscellaneous concepts (prakīrṇaka), external to the twelve departments (dvādaśāṅga), are called aṅgabāhya.
Note 2:
The avagāḍha samyagdarśana occurs to the śrutakevalī – the possessor of perfect, indirect knowledge.
Note 3:
The paramāvagāḍha samyagdarśana occurs to the Omniscient (kevalī) – the possessor of perfect, direct knowledge.
- Alexander Zeugin commented on the blog ĀTMĀNUŚĀSANA – PRECEPT ON THE SOUL by Ācārya GUṆABHADRA (ca. 818–900 A.D.) [258]Note 2: This foe is Antaraṅgāri (the six inner enemies): 1. rāga (infatuation, desire, lust, wanton) – the four kaṣāyas: 2. krodha (anger), 3. māna (conceit), 4. māyā (deceit), 5. lobha (greed) – 6. dveṣa (hate),...Read more
- Alexander Zeugin commented on the blog ĀTMĀNUŚĀSANA – PRECEPT ON THE SOUL by Ācārya GUṆABHADRA (ca. 818–900 A.D.) [258]Note 1: The tail of the cow (which gets thinner at the end), is the allegory for the four kaṣāyas in the lowest, the gleaming called sañjvalanakaṣāya level, cf. Guṇadhara’s Kaṣāya-pāhuḍa, chapter 26, v....Read more
- Alexander Zeugin published a blog post ĀTMĀNUŚĀSANA – PRECEPT ON THE SOUL by Ācārya GUṆABHADRA (ca. 818–900 A.D.) [273](← … With great devotion, I make obeisance humble at the Worshipful...
- Alexander Zeugin published a blog post ĀTMĀNUŚĀSANA – PRECEPT ON THE SOUL by Ācārya GUṆABHADRA (ca. 818–900 A.D.) [272](← … This concludes Ācārya Guṇabhadra’s Ātmānuśāsana – Precept...
- Alexander Zeugin commented on the blog ĀTMĀNUŚĀSANA – PRECEPT ON THE SOUL by Ācārya GUṆABHADRA (ca. 818–900 A.D.) [270]Note 1: Alternate meaning: This composition – ‘Ātmānuśāsana’ – is the work of Ācārya Guṇabhadra whose heart is dedicated to the remembrance of the feet of his Preceptor, Ācārya Jinasena.
- Alexander Zeugin published a blog post ĀTMĀNUŚĀSANA – PRECEPT ON THE SOUL by Ācārya GUṆABHADRA (ca. 818–900 A.D.) [271](← … Gātha 270 May Lord Ṛṣabha Deva, son of Nābhirājā, in...
- Alexander Zeugin commented on the blog ĀTMĀNUŚĀSANA – PRECEPT ON THE SOUL by Ācārya GUṆABHADRA (ca. 818–900 A.D.) [269]Note 2: For the qualities acquired for a bhāvya soul, for grasping if addressed here, see ‘Saṁvara [part 3427]’ note 3
Note 1:
Explanatory note:
The three kinds of follies (mūḍhatā) that a householder with right faith must assiduously guard against are:
1) folly relating to worldly customs (lokamūḍhatā),
2) folly relating to deities...